Congresul National de Farmacie din Romania, editia a XV-a, Iași, 24-27 Septembrie 2014

Congresul National de Farmacie din Romania, editia a XV-a, Ia?i, 24-27 Septembrie 2014The National Congress of Pharmacy from Romania, XVth edition


Societatea de Stiinte Farmaceutice din Romania
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie „Gr. T. Popa”, Iasi
Cu sprijinul Federatiei Europene pentru Stiinte Farmaceutice
Sub egida Colegiului Farmacistilor din Romania
Agentiei Nationale a Medicamentului si a Dispozitivelor Medicale
Ministerului Educatiei Nationale
Ministerului Sanatatii
Academiei de Stiinte Medicale

COMITET STIINTIFIC, SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Prof. Dr. Constantin Mircioiu, Prof. Dr. Dumitru Lupuliasa, Prof. Dr. Monica Hancianu, Prof. Dr. Gianina Crisan, Prof. Dr. Daniela Lucia Muntean, Prof. Dr. Cristina Adriana Dehelean, Prof. Dr. Johny Neamtu, Prof. Dr. Felicia Loghin, Prof. Dr. Niculina Mitrea, Prof. Dr. Robert Sandulescu, Prof. Dr. Ursula Stanescu, Prof. Dr. Mihaela Cristina Baican, Prof. Dr. Elena Butnaru, Prof. Dr. Ileana-Cornelia Cojocaru, Prof. Dr. Rodica Cuciureanu, Prof. Dr. Anca Miron, Prof. Dr. Lenuta Profire, Conf. Dr. Luminita Agoroaei, Conf. Dr. Mihai Apostu, Conf. Dr. Ana Clara Aprotosoaie, Conf. Dr. Nela Bibire, Conf. Dr. Veronica Bild, Conf. Dr. Andreia Corciova, Conf. Dr. Dan Lupascu, Conf. Dr. Cornelia Mircea, Conf. Dr. Lacramioara Ochiuz, Conf. Dr. Gratiela Eliza Popa, Conf. Dr. Catalina Stan, Conf. Dr. Georgiana Tauser, Conf. Dr. Gabriela Tatarînga, Conf. Dr. Gladiola Tantaru, Conf. Dr. Mariana Voitcu

Congresul National de Farmacie din Romania, editia a XV-a, cu participare internationala, a fost onorat de prezenta invitatilor, autori si colaboratori, din Bulgaria, Franta, Iordania, Republica Moldova, Serbia, Spania.

Volumul de Rezumate (Editura „Gr. T. Popa”, U.M.F. Iasi, 2014 ISBN 978-606-544-252-8, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Iasi, Str. Universitatii nr. 16, Redactori / Editors: Conf. Dr. Cornelia Mircea, Prof. Dr. Monica Hancianu), cuprinde un numar impresionant de lucrari (Conferinte plenare, Conferinte pe sectiuni, Comunicari verbale si 255 e-postere).

Noutatea inedita a acestui Congres a fost prezentarea si evaluarea posterelor în format electronic, de catre o Comisie desemnata de catre organizatori. Fata de numarul mare de postere, activitatea de evaluare a fost programata pe parcursul unei zile, dimineata si dupa amiaza.

Participantii au primit programul pentru cele 4 zile si un CD (peste 470 pagini), cu Rezumatele tuturor lucrarilor.


Designul substantelor bioactive; Bioactive Substances Design, p.1-63;

Plantele medicinale: de la empiric la fundamentare stiintifica; From Folk Remedy to Concept-Directed Research in Herbal Medicines, p.65-144;

Evaluari preclinice si clinice ale substantelor bioactive

Preclinical and Clinical Assessment of Bioactive Compounds, p.145-240;

Provocari si perspective în tehnologia farmaceutica

Opportunities and Challenges in Pharmaceutical Technology, p.241-307;

Evaluarea calitatii bioticelor/xenobioticelor

Biotics/Xenobiotics Quality Assessment, p.308-367;

Marketing, management si tehnologii informationale

Marketing, Management and Informational Technologies, p.368-387;

Al X-lea Simpozion de Biofarmacie si Farmacocinetica

The 10th Symposium of Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics, p.387-418;

Politici europene în domeniul medicamentului (editia a II-a)

European Policies of Drugs (2nd edition) , p.419-425;

Profesia de farmacist (editia a II-a)

Pharmacist Profession History (2nd edition, p.426-442;)

Primul Simpozion al Farmacistilor de Spital

First Symposium of Romanian Hospital Pharmacists, p.443-;

Index autori / Authors Index, p.452

În Programul Congresului regasim tematici si simpozioane traditionale, dar si noi orientari în cercetarea farmaceutica. Lucrarile au fost sustinute în 4-5 sali paralele. Pentru cititorii revistei, reproducem Rezumatul (în franceza si engleza) al unei conferinte la tema Designul substantelor bioactive, sustinuta de un invitat din tara vecina de la Sud, Irena Kostova, precum si programul unor sectiuni la care am participat cu lucrari si ca moderator.

Designul substantelor bioactive / Bioactive Substances Design

Theoretical and Spectral Characterization of Biologically Active Coumarins and Their Lanthanide Complexes, (Medical University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chemistry Department, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Le groupe des coumarines est une source de composes, qui sont consideres comme des medicaments aussi prometteurs dans le traitement de nombreuses maladies. Coumarines ont beaucoup de differentes structures, en raison de divers types de substitutions, qui peuvent a leur tour affecter leur activite biologique.

Le present travail traite les theoriques, analytiques, FT-IR et FT-Raman spectrales investigations, appuyees par des calculs de theorie de la fonctionnelle de densite, de comprendre la structure et liaison caracteristiques, les interactions intramoleculaires des derives coumariniques biologiquement actives et leurs complexes de lanthanides. Comme une partie de notre poursuite des travaux sur la synthese et les applications pharmacologiques de nouvellement synthetisee complexes, on a fait observer que les changements dans la structure des ligands, a l’aide de differents metaux ainsi que les conditions de reaction avaient des effets profonds sur la selectivite et l’activite des produits obtenus. Dans le present lanthanide(III) de travail complexes avec des ligands de coumarine ont ete synthetises et leurs structures ont ete determinees au moyen d’analyses analytiques et spectrales. Les spectres enregistres et les bandes de marquage de groupes fonctionnels caracteristiques des ligands et leurs complexes ont ete identifies, afin de les utiliser comme banque de donnees pour une application plus loin dans l’analyse des traces d’autres complexes de coumarines. Les resultats de la preselection cytotoxique sur les lignees cellulaires tumorales differentes demontrent le potentiel d’antiprolferative des complexes de coordination lanthanide. Les effets inhibiteurs des complexes par rapport a ce que des ligands prouve leurs proprietes cytotoxiques/cytostatique.

The group of coumarins is a source of lead compounds, which are considered as promising drugs in the therapy of many diseases. Coumarins have a lot of different structures, due to the various types of substitutions, which could in turn influence their biological activity.

The present work deals with the theoretical, analytical, FT-IR and FT-Raman spectral investigations, supported by density functional theory calculations, to understand the structural and bonding features, the intramolecular interactions of biologically active coumarin derivatives and their lanthanide complexes.

As a part of our continuing work on the synthesis and pharmacological applications of newly synthesised complexes, it was observed that changes in the structure of the ligands, using different metals as well as reaction conditions, had profound effects on selectivity and activity of the products obtained. In the present work, lanthanide(III) complexes with coumarin ligands have been synthesized and their structures have been determined by means of analytical and spectral analyses. The recorded spectra and the marker bands of characteristic functional groups of the ligands and their complexes were identified, in order to use them as data bank for further application in trace analysis of other complexes of coumarins.

The results from the cytotoxic screening on different tumour cell lines demonstrated the antiprolferative potential of the novel lanthanide coordination complexes. The inhibitory effects of the complexes compared to that of the ligands proved their cytotoxic/cytostatic properties. The obtained results are in accordance with our previously published data concerning the activity of lanthanide(III) complexes with other coumarin derivatives.


Titlurile lucrarilor de

Marketing, management si tehnologii informationale

  1. Tendinte de evolutie si stadiul actual al dezvoltarii unor resurse farmaceutice. Determinarea si analiza unor indicatori specifici Evolution Trends and the Actual Level of the Development of Pharmaceutical Resources. The Determination and Analysis of Specific Indicators;
  2. Aplicarea metodelor managementului calitatii pentru elaborarea unui program de reducere a erorilor în farmacia comunitara – Applying Methods of Quality Management to Develop a Program to Reduce Errors in Community Pharmacy;
  3. Managementul timpului de munca în farmacie – Labor Time Management in the Pharmacy;
  4. Evaluarea si prognozarea aderentei la tratamentul cu antihipertensive cu ajutorul unui chestionar cu 25 itemiAssessing and Predicting Antihypertensive Drug Medication Adherence with a 25-Items Questionnaire;
  5. Tendinte în învatamantul si pregatirea farmaceutica europeana – Trends in the European Pharmacy Education and Training;
  6. Metode de standardizare a evaluarii interne a personalului din farmacii în vederea aplicarii Regulilor de buna practica farmaceutica – Methods of Standardizing the Internal Assessment of Pharmacy Personnel for the Enforcement of Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice;
  7. Automedicatia fitoterapeutica-oportunitati în consilierea farmaceutica – Phytotherapeutic Automedication – Opportunities in the Pharmacist Counseling;
  8. Managementul terapiei pentru Tuberculoza – Tuberculosis Therapy Management;
  9. Formulari farmaceutice particulare adresate unor categorii de varsta speciale – Particular Pharmaceutical Formulations for Special Age Categories;
  10. Unele aspecte legislative privind organizarea si conducerea farmaceutica la sfarsitul secolului al XIX-lea si începutul secolului XX Some Legal Issues Concerning the Organisation and Management of Pharmaceutics in the Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century;
  11. Medicamente biosimilare pe piata farmaceutica romaneasca Biosimilar Medicines on the Romanian Pharmaceutical Market;
  12. „Daca apar manifestari neplacute, adresati-va medicului sau farmacistului” Contact Your Doctor or Pharmacist if You Have Experienced Uncomfortable Symptom”;
  13. Cercetari privind utilizarea antibioticelor în Romania Research on the Use of Antibiotics in Romania;
  14. Implementarea RBPF în farmacia comunitara – garantie a excelentei QMS Implementation in the Community Pharmacy – Guarantee of Excellence;
  15. Managementul asistentei farmaceutice centrate pe pacient: grupuri vulnerabile The Pharmaceutical Care Centered on the Patient: Vulnerable Groups;
  16. Studiu farmacoeconomic privind tratamentul diabetului zaharat A pharmacoeconomic study regarding diabetes mellitus;
  17. Aspecte legislative si implicatii socio-economice privind falsificarea medicamentelor Legal Aspects and Socio-Economic Implications Regarding Drug Counterfeiting;
  18. Automedicatia – un beneficiu individual sau un risc pentru pacient Self-Medication – an Individualized Benefit or a Risk for the Patient;

Profesia de farmacist (editia a II-a) Pharmacist Profession History (2nd edition)

Conferinte / Conferences

1. Revista Farmacia. Trecut, prezent si viitor Farmacia Journal. Past, Present and Future Challenges

2. Relatii culturale farmaceutice romano-franceze din secolul al XIX-lea pana în prezent Romanian-French Cultural Pharmaceutical Relations from the Nineteenth Century to Nowadays

3. Reprezentanti ai profesiei de farmacist în Academia Romana Representatives of Pharmacist Practice within the Romanian Academy

Comunicari orale / Oral Communications

4. Istoria tezelor de doctorat în învatamantul farmaceutic din Cluj (1872-2013) The History of the PhD Theses in Pharmaceutical Sciences Developed in Cluj (1872-2013)

5. Consilierea acordata pacientilor în farmacia comunitara: perspectiva farmacistului Counseling Provided by the Pharmacist in Romanian Community Pharmacy: the Pharmacist’s Perspective

6. 200 de ani de la primul tratat de toxicologie moderna – autor: Mateo José Bonaventura Orfila 200 Years since the First Treaty of Modern Toxicology – Author: Mateo Jose Bonaventura Orfila

7. Profesorul Dimitrie Brandza (1846-1895) si plantele medicinale Professor Dimitrie Brandza (1846-1895) and the Medicinal Plants

8. Fotografii inedite cu subiect medico-farmaceutic New Unpublished Medical and Pharmaceutical Photographies

9. Coduri deontologice ale profesionistilor din sanatate – analiza comparativa Codes of Ethics for Health Professionals – a Comparative Analysis

10. Istoria gandirii, metodologiei si produselor antiseptice în farmacologia europeana a secolelelor XIX – XX The History of Antiseptic Phylosophies, Methods and Products in Europeean Pharmacology from the XIX – XXth Centuries

11. Tehnologii conventionale si moderne de obtinere a vaccinurilor Conventional and Modern Technologies for Vaccines Obtaining

12. Familia Minovici – schita biografica Minovici Family – Biographical Sketch

13. Omagierea Dr. Carol Davila la 130 ani de la deces Homage to the Memory of Dr.Carol Davila, 130 Years after His Death

14. Date istorice despre izolarea si stabilirea structurii chimice a unor alcaloizi Historical Data About Isolation and Determination of Chemical Structure of Some Alkaloids

15. Aportul farmacistilor la analiza resurselor balneare din tara noastra The Contribution of Pharmacists to Analyze the Resources of the Spa in Our Country

O analiza sumara asupra spatiului ocupat de fiecare tema, din cele 10 ale Congresului (tinand seama de faptul ca rezumatele au fost conditionate de anumite criterii obligatorii), se pot formula unele concluzii cu privire la directiile de cercetare farmaceutica în prezent si orientarea cercetatorilor spre aceste directii.

Remarcam orientarea majora catre directiile înscrise la primele 5 teme: Designul substantelor bioactive; Bioactive Substances Design, p.1-63; Plantele  medicinale: de la empiric la fundamentare stiintifica; From Folk Remedy to Concept-Directed Research in Herbal Medicines, p.65-144; Evaluari preclinice si clinice ale substantelor bioactive Preclinical and Clinical Assessment of Bioactive Compounds, p.145-240; Provocari si perspective în tehnologia farmaceutica Opportunities and Challenges in Pharmaceutical Technology, p.241-307; Evaluarea calitatii bioticelor/xenobioticelor Biotics/Xenobiotics Quality Assessment, p.308-367.

Nici celelalte teme nu sunt de neglijat, luand în calcul proportia acestor stiinte în planurile de învatamant si lipsa unor institute de cercetare, specializate pe aceste domenii. Majoritatea lucrarilor prezentate apartin cadrelor didactice din Facultatile de Farmacie.

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